DRY your scopes

I encountered a pattern today that I would like to share:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
STATUS = { :active => 1, :inactive => 2, :pending => 3, :announce => 4, :curator => 5 }
scope :active, where("status = #{STATUS[:active]}")
scope :inactive, where("status = #{STATUS[:inactive]}")
scope :pending, where("status = #{STATUS[:pending]}")
scope :announce, where("status = #{STATUS[:announce]}")

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There is no justification to write such a code in ruby (or in any language)
ActiveRecord 3 with ARel does not defer class singleton methods from scopes and in my opinion they are more readable.
We could write the same functionality with:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
STATUS = { :active => 1, :inactive => 2, :pending => 3, :announce => 4, :curator => 5 }
def self.active; where(:status => STATUS[:active]); end
def self.inactive; where(:status => STATUS[:inactive]); end
def self.pending; where(:status => STATUS[:pending]); end
def self.announce; where(:status => STATUS[:announce]); end

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Now, the path is short to go to:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
STATUS = { :active => 1, :inactive => 2, :pending => 3, :announce => 4, :curator => 5 }
STATUS.each do |k, v|
define_singleton_method(k) do
where(:status => v)

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I like it – do you?

We didn’t only clean the code.
We did much more – every new status in the STATUS list will effortlessly represented with a matching method.

For instance :curator key which had no scope in the original version is now represented with the User.curator method.

DRY is not (just) about aesthetics. DRY is about maintainability and simplicity.

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  1. #1 by arikfr on April 24, 2012 - 09:52

    I agree with that it’s better to use metaprogramming than writing redundant, less maintainable code. What I’m not sure about is why not use the scope method?

    STATUS.each do |k, v|
    scope k, where(:status => v)

    Seems even simpler than defining the singleton methods.

    • #2 by sygendev on April 24, 2012 - 10:29

      1) It is a personal taste issue.
      2) I was influenced by this post: http://www.railway.at/2010/03/09/named-scopes-are-dead/

      • #3 by arikfr on April 26, 2012 - 12:01

        At first I wanted to suggest using scope for simple scopes (like the example) and use singleton methods for the more hairy ones. But this might create confusion for other collaborators of the same code, so I guess you better pick one method and as you said – it’s a personal taste…

  2. #4 by Jon Kern (@JonKernPA) on April 24, 2012 - 15:29

    Though it seems cleaner, my concern would be if it makes the class methods harder to discern at first glance.

    Four lines of clear code that show 4 methods would get my vote vs four lines of obfuscated code, hiding what the methods of the class are.

    BTW: I use this technique frequently in (boring) specs, for example when testing a rendered HTML page that has certain sections that should only appear when there is data present:

    dynamic_sections.each do |s|
    it(“does not have: #{s}”) { html.should_not =~ /#{s}/ }

    This saved 24 lines of “it” specs.

  3. #5 by sygendev on April 24, 2012 - 17:50

    Thanks for the cite!

  1. DRY your RSpecs » Technical Debt

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